Friday, July 20, 2012

Made it to Honolulu

Left Palau at 2:30am Saturday. It is now 8:15pm Friday. We leave here 10pm for LAX. Then to DFW and get there 1:20 pm Saturday. We are tired.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Last day of diving

A fantastic last day of Diving Palau with Neco Marine. We will have a rest day tomorrow and then fly out at 2:30 am.

 Sharks at New Drop Off
 Divrs looking at sharks at New Dropoff
 Sharks looking at divers at new drop off

 Lion Fish

  Giant Clams at Clam City

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Great second day of diving in Palau. Saw more Sharks than I ever have and at least 5 Great Manta Rays.

Chris looking at a  Shark

Monday, July 16, 2012

Made it to Palau. Wonderful Place. Great day of Diving. saw Sharks on both Dives. Didi a surface interval on the island that Survivor Palau was filmed on. 

Moorish Idol
 Giant Clams 3 to 4 foot across
  Grey Yip Reef Sharks swimming by.
 Chris' favorite Squirrel Fish

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Flight rescheduled

Our flights have been rebooked for Sunday. It will work out good for us as will we get to Palau 3 Hours sooner just a day late. United air is picking up our tab for tonight and we may be staying an extra night so we don't miss a day of diving.
I forget we are 15 hours ahead of Texas time. It is 6:24pm Saturday here and 3:24am Saturday morning in Texas.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Flight Cancelled

Flight from Chuuk/Truk to Guam then Palau cancelled. Staying another day in Chuuk.